Meaning & Performance

The Fahnen Troop (alt: Trupp / Tropp), also known as Fahnen Marsch (Swiss: Fahnenmarsch / Fahnentrupp; French: Le Drapeaux), appears to have similar meanings as the French Le Drapeaux and British Short Troop.

It was used for the following purposes:

  • To signal in battle to about face and march in retreat.
  • March the guard to their posts and march off once relieved.
  • Salute the flag when retrieving or returning it.
  • March the colors when they are trooped in front of the commander’s quarters upon entering a new camp.
  • Marching the funeral detail away from the cemetery.

Hessian Regulations, 1767, p. 109, 112, 173, 251, 256-7,
272, 453-4, 550-2, 575-6

Drum Beatings

Winters’ Fahnen Marsch is 6-bars of 2/4. Kastner’s beating is a slight variation that shortens the beating to 4-bars of 2/4.

Kastner’s beating fits the majority of the Darmstadt Troops much better, as many of them are either 4-bars or 8-bars of 2/4.

Fife Tunes

The Darmstadt MSs include a large selection of Fahnen Troops, many of which are assigned to specific units.

Considering the largely ceremonial use of the duty call, it seems logical that every regiment had their own version.

Many of the Fahnen Troops are unnamed and perhaps these troops were used at will, like the British use of various Short Troops.

In the Prussian ordonnance, they include the “Geschwinder Troop” [Swift Troop]. This is perhaps a quickstep version of the troop; there’s no clear indication of how this tune might be used differently than a regular troop.

The Prussian ordonnance also include “Troop im Rettiriren” [Troup in Retirement]. While the same drum beating fits this tune, it seems to be a specific fife tune for use as a battlefield signal.

Prussian Geschwinder Tropp

Interpretation for Hessian Use

Drum beating is ‘Fahnen Trupp’ from Kastner.

Fife part is the Geschwinder Tropp listed under the Prussian ordonnance in the Darmstadt MS.

Prussian Troop im Rettiriren

Interpretation for Hessian Use

Drum beating is ‘Fahnen Trupp’ from Kastner.

Fife part is the Troop im Rettiriren listed under the Prussian ordonnance in the Darmstadt MS.

To learn more about Troops in other militaries:

To learn how to play the other major Prussian duty calls, check out:

Have more information about Hessian or Prussian music, contact me or comment below.


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