Return to “Performing Philidor’s Drum Beatings” or “18th C. French Drumming”.
The majority of beatings in Instruction des Tambours were in 6/4. The manual demonstrates that there are 2 steps in a measure, on the first and fourth beat.
This allows the 6/4 notation to be cut and thought of as 6/8.
For all 6/4 beatings in Philidor, this same translation was used.
Performing 6/4
Here’s an example of how a beating in 6/4 sounds in Philidor in “L’assemblée”, the fourth one listed in Philidor, on page 76.

Want to learn more about Tempo and how to perform Triple Time in the 18th Century?
More Resources:
If you want more music from Philidor’s Collection, check out my book ‘Philidor’s Drum Beatings’.
If you have questions or comments regarding interpreting The Philidor Collection, contact me or comment below.