The Drag Paradiddle No. 2 or Dragadiddle No. 2 seems to be a uniquely American rudiment that appears in the mid-19th century.

The Dragadiddle No. 2 in American Music:
While the Dragadiddle No. 1 appears in early 19th century drum manuals, the Dragadiddle No. 2 first appears in Bruce & Emmett (1862) as the Drag Paradiddle No. 2. Later, Strube (1869) also uses this terminology.
In B&E, the Dragadiddle No. 2 begins with a drag, for a total of three drags. In Strube, however, the rudiment begins with an accented stroke.
Unfortunately, this rudiment does not appear, named or unnamed, in early-19th century drum manuals. Further study should explore whether this rudiment is used in other mid-19th century manuals.
More Info:
If you have any additional information on the origin or development of this rudiment, please contact me and share your resources. Or, comment below!